Join FedDef
You must be a current civilian employee of the US Government to be eligible for FedDef coverage. 
Step 1
Choose your membership category and establish payment via PayPal:
Choose Your Membership Category
Step 2
Click Return to Merchant button on the payment confirmation screen to complete membership application.
Membership Categories

LIUNA Local 1776 Members

Members of LIUNA Local 1776 will receive a discounted membership rate of $26.00 per year with a minimum commitment of 1 year.

Title 5, Title 32 and TSA

Title 5 and Title 32 employees subject to either the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) or the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA's) Office of Professional Responsibility Appellate Board (OPRAB) appeals process pay $120.00 per year of membership, with a minimum commitment of 1 year.

Title 38 VA Employees

Employees of the Veterans Administration (VA) subject to Title 38 Disciplinary Appeal Boards (DABs) pay $300.00 per year of membership, with a minimum commitment of 1 year.
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