Representation Request

I f you are a Title 5 or Title 32 employee of the Department of the Army or the Air Force, including the National Guard Bureau or the Army and Air National Guard, and are in need of assistance, please fill out this form. A representative will contact you as soon as possible to discuss your concerns and your options.

Assistance Request


The information provided is strictly for the purposes of representing you and will only be shared with individuals who have a need-to-know.

Medical Concerns

If your request or case involves a medical issue we may need access to your medical history and records/files.  


This information can be found in your latest SF50. You can view a copy of your SF50's on MyBiz. 

Supervisor Information

Please provide contact information for your immediate supervisor.


If you are not a Dual-Status Technician please skip to SECTION 4.

Military Position Information

If you are a Dual-Status Technician please provide information for your military position. While not required, providing this information can help us better understand your complaint, and it can also help us determine what the best course of action may be to achieve successful resolution. 


Tell us why you're seeking Union help. Please do not be vague. You need to be as detailed as possible so we can determine the best way to help you. 

Disciplinary Actions Only

If your request concerns a Disciplinary Action, please answer the following questions and then proceed to the Management Representative s  ection below. 

If your request concerns something other than a disciplinary action, please skip to All Other Requests.  

For Non-Disciplinary Actions and all "Other" Requests

For requests not involving diciplinary action, please answer the following questions:

Management Representative

If you have contacted a management representative about this request please provide the following information:

Formal Complaint Information

If you answered YES above and have already submitted a formal (written) complaint to a management representative concerning this matter, please provide the following information:

Who did you submit a formal complaint to?

Additional Information

Please provide any other facts you feel are relevant to this request:



This form is designed to collect general information only and should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor is this an agreement to accept your case for representation. 

A qualified representative will review your request and determine whether the Union is able to provide assistance. The decision to accept or decline your request for assistance and/or representation is based solely on the merits of your case. Under certain circumstances (e.g., disciplinary cases) membership status may be a factor in whether we agree to represent you even if your case has merit.      

By entering your name in the space below and transmitting this form you are acknowledging that:

1. You are making a voluntary request for Union representation.

2. The Union is not bound in any way to represent you based solely on this voluntary request for assistance.

3. The Union is in no way obligated to provide you with any legal service or advice outside of what's required under law. 

 Privacy Policy  

Information collected is for membership and representational purposes and is not shared with any party or entity that does not have a need to know. Please make sure to read and accept our Privacy Policy before submission. 

Click here for our complete Privacy Policy.    


 Membership Requirement  

The Union has the right to require membership for certain representational matters and cases including appeals of performance appraisals, after discipline has been proposed, for complaints of discrimination, and for appeals of adverse actions before third party arbiters like the Merits Systems Protection Board. Non-members may be required to join the Union prior to representation and may be responsible for some or all of the costs incurred by the Union during the course of representation.   

Click here for complete Membership Terms

 Arbitration Costs and Attorney Fees  

The Union has the right to determine whether to invoke arbitration concerning an employee complaint, and whether to seek legal help/assistance in processing a complaint via arbitration. That determination is based on several considerations. Primarily it is based on the merits of your case. Other considerations include whether the Union will incur any costs or fees, including attorney fees, in pursuing arbitration. Depending on the merits and strength of your individual case, the Union may choose not to pursue arbitration on a particular matter. Alternately, even when the Union determines that arbitration may be appropriate, we may request that the employee(s) covered by the matter in dispute pay none, some, or all of the costs associated with the arbitration regardless of whether you are a dues-paying member.  

 Costs of Representation

You may be responsible for some or all of the costs incurred by the Union during the course of representation, regardless of your membership status. Depending on the complexity of the case, the expected workload, and the need to secure legal counsel, the Union may charge a retainer fee to cover some or all of the costs of representation. The fee schedule below is the minimum charged for each type of case. The actual fee charged will depend on the merits and complexity of each case. The Union reserves the right to waive the fees below on a case-by-case basis, especially in cases where the individual is or will be experiencing a financial hardship:

  • Non-Adverse Action: $650+
  • Adverse Action: $1300+
  • Discrimination Complaint: $650+
  • MSPB Appeal: $1300+

 Fee for Back-Pay Claims

In certain cases, LIUNA Local 1776 will charge a fee to process back-pay claims. The fee is 10% of the expected back-pay award, and it is to be paid up-front. This 10% is in addition to any other costs or fees, including attorney fees the Union may incur, that may be charged during the course of presenting a claim.

Please hit SEND button below to submit your request. 

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